Your September All-Stars!

Every week, the managers at lloyd submit their vote for whoever they felt worked the hardest, embodied our core values the best or went above & beyond their duties. At the end of the month, 1 winner is chosen, granting them a prize worth up to $250!

This past month we decided to open up the award to TWO people because our employees are all pretty damn special. It’s unfair to pick just one, so allow me to introduce our September All-STARS!

Kiley Kourkournais!

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lloyd Location: Trucks

Position at lloyd: QB/Hawk in training

How long have you worked at lloyd? 7 months

What’s your favorite thing to eat at lloyd? Spring rolls (all day everyday)

What’s your favorite part about working for lloyd? QBing, working with my friends, listening to Ri-Ri & making pretty food

What do you like to do in your free time? Eat tacos

What is your spirit animal? An otter

Who’s your favorite band/musician? Rihanna

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? At lloyd being AWESOME!

Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Macha

Sam Cummings!

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lloyd Location: Taco Factory

Position at lloyd: QB

How long have you worked at lloyd? 8 months

What’s your favorite thing to eat at lloyd? Big lloyd burrito

What’s your favorite part about working at lloyd? Working with BIG MARK!

What do you like to do in your free time? Study, no free time ;(

What is your spirit animal? A Buffalo

Who’s your favorite band/musician? Nickelback Taylor Swift

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? No idea

Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Apple Cider (I F’ing love Apple Cider)



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