Tag: Taco Truck

And Then There Were 5

Meet Buffalo’s Newest Food Truck (At least as of May 8, 2019. No promises about tomorrow.) In 2010, lloyd pioneered the local food truck scene by serving scratch-made tacos and burritos from a white truck at Main and Mohawk. Eight years and a green paint job later, Buffalo’s first food truck is officially retiring (don’t … Read more

Lloyd lunch service day 2

Wow what a great response today. We really want to thank everyone(we’re calling them Lloydians now) for coming out and waiting in line.

First Day of Service

Lloyd’s first day of service went great. We want to thank everyone for coming out today.

Prepare to meet Lloyd

If you had told us 6 months ago that we’d be serving delicious homemade tacos out of a pimped out truck on the streets of Buffalo, NY, we would have told you that you were crazy. Yet here we are, less than a week away from the soft launch of our company, which will be … Read more

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